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Organic Turmeric Curcumin is a Potent Weapon Against Diabetes! Truth or Myth?

diabetes control with sugeric
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What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is one of the lifestyle diseases that is affecting many people off late. Medically, it is a condition in which sugar or glucose levels in the blood become too high due to faulty glucose metabolism in the body. In short, insulin is the enzyme produced by the pancreas which converts excess glucose to glycogen ( stored in the liver). In the case of diabetes, either insulin production is hampered or the body cannot use it for proper glucose metabolism. The sad part is that diabetes is a health condition that will last an entire lifetime and can be controlled by better lifestyle management.

Diabetes has various stages starting from prediabetes where the effects of diabetes on the body have just begun and have not caused any significant damage to the body parts. The main cause of higher blood sugar levels in the body is the environment and lifestyle more then the genes as the environment can dominate genes but not vice versa.

Three types of Diabetes – type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. Some common signs and symptoms Let’s have a look at how each one of them is caused:

Some of the common signs and symptoms are frequent urination, fatigue, weight loss, dehydration, weight loss or gain, blurred vision, hunger, etc.

A more natural and organic way of treatment is always better than taking medicines. The medications or treatment of diabetes has many side effects like anemia, liver damage, diarrhea, skin rashes, bloating, dizziness. Curcumin is one of the most potent treatments for diabetes. Curcumin is a polyphenolic compound found in turmeric roots. There is a volley of shreds of evidence supporting the above fact.

How Diabetes Affects on our Body and Systems

Diabetes has various stages starting from prediabetes where the effects of diabetes on the body have just begun and have not caused any significant damage to the body parts. The main cause of higher blood sugar levels in the body is the environment and lifestyle more than the genes as the environment can dominate genes but not vice versa.

Long term Affects of Diabetes on our Organs/Systems

Almost every household has a Diabetic patient or somebody with prediabetes symptoms. If left untreated for long, Diabetes can affect your endocrine system, nervous system, digestive system, Circulatory and Cardiovascular systems and doesn’t let the Immune System function normally. The list of symptoms associated with diabetes is endless and is easily available to read and refer to on the internet.

How Curcumin and Bagdara Farms can Helps in Diabetes

Bagdara Farms Product for all three types of diabetes

Sugeric is a 100% herbal raw root powder of Curcuma Longa which is Indigenous in genealogy, wild strand as cultivated by tribal people in and around the forest for medicinal use and is cultivated by us organically and hence can be termed as a supplement based on organic food. Today 1000’s of customers use this product and are benefiting in several ways, example:

  1. They do not have to use pills any longer
  2.  They are no longer under regular self-monitoring
  3.  No Side effects as this is 100% herbal
  4. Saves hospitalization expenses
  5. 100% Organic means it has no negative impact on your digestive system and helps build a Strong Immune System
  6. Cultivated, harvested, hand-processed, and distributed from our own farm in the middle of a National Park
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