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Beat the Virus and the Fungus with Turmflu

Turmflu for preventing viral flu

With the onset of monsoons one becomes more prone to viral and fungal infections. Where viral infections attack your nose, ear, throat and even stomach, fungal infections attack your skin. Children are the worst affected as their immunity levels go down during the rainy season.

The question then arises that if we are aware of the dangers shouldn’t we start taking precautions before trouble hits us? After all, prevention is better than cure.

If you are worried about the cure then you can quit worrying as the cure is here. Turmflu is what you are looking for.

Why Turmflu?

The answer to that is very simple; Turmflu is 100% organic, farm-grown product. Curcumin in Turmflu helps in rejuvenating protein levels in the body thus strengthening the immune system and protecting the body from attacks by bacteria and viruses. Turmflu is curcumin enriched which is the best anti-fungal and anti-virus that nature has given us.

According to the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, when tested against 23 Fungi strain Curcumin was more effective than Fluconazole which is generally prescribed by doctors. While all pharmacological prescriptions have side-effects there are none for curcumin enriched Turmflu. Curcumin inhibits the action of fungi and has a disruptive effect on the fungal membrane. Thus controlling the spread of fungal infection and controlling it.

Curcumin protects you against the flowing viruses by inhibiting their growth:

To top it all, curcumin is the safest bet against different kinds of virus and fungi as it prevents their multiplication thus checking their spread.

A bit of a fun fact: the Curcuma longa rhizome works as an anti-microbial and a mosquito repellant.

Why is Turmflu better than the other options to cure flu?

How to use it?

But always keep in mind too much of even a very good thing can be bad, do take the required precautions and let Turmflu do its job of boosting your immune system against viral and fungal attacks.

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