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Are You Suffering from Edema? Curcumin is the cure!

edema cure with Calmya

We live in times when everyone talks of being lean and fit so imagine what one would feel like when your hands and legs swell up, and suddenly your footwear is a size smaller, and people tell you that your shoes are tight. This is due to the condition referred to as Edema which happens when too much fluid gets filled in the tissues especially the skin.

Edema Facts:

The signs of Edema

These will usually depend on the cause the one most common is of course puffiness and swelling.

There are many kinds of edema with each one indicating a health condition:

Peripheral Edema: when swelling is in your feet, arms, ankles, and legs

Pulmonary edema: Excess fluid buildup in lungs making it difficult to breathe, happens either due to lung injury or due to congestive heart failure. This condition is a medical emergency and can lead to death.

Cerebral edema: occurs in the brain with symptoms of headaches, dizzy spells, neck pain, stiffness, while or partial vision loss, nausea, vomiting.

Macular Edema: this has severe complications with swelling of the macula

Why does Edema occur?

There can be many reasons for edema in people; it can occur due to circulatory problems, infection, malnutrition, kidney disease, etc.

It can also happen due to:

Heart failure:

if one or both chambers of the heart are unable to pump blood correctly leading to blood accumulation in the limbs

Kidney disease or kidney damage:

Enough fluid  and sodium are not eliminated from the blood, putting pressure on the blood vessels making this excess liquid cause  swelling in the legs and around eyes as the extra liquid has leaked

Liver disease:

When functioning of the liver is adversely affected by Cirrhosis that leads to a reduction in the production of proteins as the hormone secretion is affected.

Certain medications

Dietary factors



Prolonged immobility

If you are facing these problems and if notice these symptoms then you must get yourself Calmya from Bagdara Farms.

What makes Calmya perfect for edema?

Do not ignore the warning signs and take your health in hand with Calmya.

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