Curcumin works wonder on menopause symptoms


God created women to be very strong and resilient, yet there are a few health issues that can prove to be problematic, not just physically but emotionally too. Yes, we are talking about the menopause. Indeed, menopause is nothing but puberty’s evil older sister. As the name suggests, menopause is the period that marks the end of menstrual cycles. This natural biological process is diagnosed after one has gone 12 months without a menstrual period.

Radhika Kaushal is a mother of two teenage daughters hitting her early 50s. Throughout few months, she had been experiencing very odd symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, extreme mood swings, weight gain due to slowed metabolism, thinning hair, dull skin, loss of breast fullness, irregular periods and chills. Any abnormal vaginal bleeding should be reported immediately to your doctor as this may be a case of the precancerous or cancerous condition of the uterus. Don’t these symptoms look like a contradiction of each other?

If it is so troublesome, what is it that goes topsy-turvy in a female’s body? Menopause is due to the depletion of ovarian follicles or oocytes due to improper functioning of the ovaries. The risk factors that increase the chances of early menopause are as follows:

  • Hysterectomy– Which means the removal of the uterus but the ovaries can continue to function. Thus it does not cause immediate menopause. Although there are no periods now, the ovaries continue to produce the eggs and the associated female hormones estrogens and progesterone.  If the uterus along with the ovaries is removed, it can lead to immediate menopause.
  • Primary ovarian insufficiency– Due to certain autoimmune diseases and genetic factors, a small percentage of women experience menopause in their mid or late 30s. This is called premature menopause which occurs when the ovaries fail to produce the set levels of reproductive hormones.
  • Reduced levels of reproductive hormones– A woman is born with a fixed number of eggs in her ovaries. As a woman grows older, her ovaries reduce the production of estrogen and progesterone which are the two hormones that regulate menstruation. By the time she reaches n average age of 51, her ovaries stop producing eggs at all and her periods stop.
  • ChemotherapySome of the chemo drugs and radiation therapy can induce menopause during or shortly after the treatment, though it may not be permanent.

Even though the risk factors of menopause are few, the complications that it can lead up to are numerous.

  • Osteoporosis– In this condition, the bones become brittle and weak making them more susceptible to fractures of spine, hips and wrist. The bone density decreases rapidly during the first few years of menopause.
  • Weight gain– Metabolism plays a huge role in weight management, and this process slows down rapidly during menopause.
  • Urinary inconsistency– A menopausal woman may experience frequent, sudden and strong urges to urinate, involuntary loss of urine which is called urine inconsistency. The reason for this is the loss of elasticity of the tissues of the vagina and urethra.
  • Cardiovascular diseases– The decreased levels of estrogen can increase the risk of heart diseases.
  • Sexual function– The changes in the elasticity and decreased moisture levels in her vagina; a woman can experience discomfort, reduced sensation and a dip in libido.

Menopause is not a disease, but we can certainly look at ways of treating the symptoms. There are many treatments and relief measures for menopause like hormone replacement therapy, antidepressants and blood pressure medications which with its share of health concerns.

Going the nature’s way is the best when it comes to combating the side effects of menopause.
Presenting to you a miracle product right from nature’s lap and as pure as it can get, Menoeze, which has the magical ingredients called curcumin and turmerone obtained from organically grown turmeric at Bagdara Farms.

Listed below are a few benefits of curcumin and turmerone to ease out the symptoms of menopause:

      • Curcumin and turmerone can act as phytoestrogens. What are these phytoestrogens? Phyto means plants and estrogen is one of the hormones. Phytoestrogen is plant metabolites that work just like the female hormone estrogen. This helps in replenishing the decreased estrogen levels in menopausal and postmenopausal women.
      • Many studies have revealed that the antioxidant properties of curcumin are at par with that of Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Hot flushes during menopause are caused due to decreased antioxidant activity. Curcumin takes up its role then, significantly increasing the antioxidant activity as well as estrogen levels giving relief from hot flashes. The same antioxidant property acts as a painkiller too and provides some relief from body aches and muscle soreness that are common complaints of menopause.
      • Since the hormones are creating havoc in a woman’s body, it’s but natural to be anxious, angry, irritated or depressed. The best part about curcumin and turmerone is that they are instrumental as natural antidepressants.
      • Vaginal and urinary tract infection become very common during menopause due to the vaginal atrophy and hormonal imbalance. In such cases, curcumin can act as a natural and potent antibacterial agent. They can have a synergistic effect along with antibiotics when fighting certain drug-resistant bacterial strains like E.coli.
      • Curcumin is good for the overall health of a woman by protecting the bone health, improving the whole immune system, reducing the risk of developing breast cancer and cardiovascular disease.
      • Turmerone and curcumin in combination can also help shed off the added kilos by regulating the metabolism of fat.

All you need to remember is to start with small quantities and gradually increase it over a period. Here’s wishing you stress-free menopause with the help of the Golden Goddess, Menoeze!

Some studies to prove what we say:

2 thoughts on “Troublesome Menopause Symptoms Warded Off With Curcumin

  1. My doctor has suggested hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for the extreme mood swings and terrible hot flashes that I suffer from due to menopause. I am not keen on pumping my body with artificially generated hormones. Can Menoeze help me sufficiently enough to avoid going in for HRT?

    1. Curcumin is a phytoestrogen that is known to mimic estrogen in your body and thus increase the levels of this hormone naturally. As a result, it helps soothe the effects of menopause which are a direct fallout of low estrogen levels. These include hot flashes, weight gain around the belly, mood swings, hirsutism, abdominal cramping, and dry name a few. You may want to try Menoeze for a couple of months before you decide to go in for an HRT.

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